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CentrAlert Engineers Update Gibson Station’s Alert System

Thursday, February 8th, 2018

CentrAlert Updates Gibson Station’s 2008 Installation

CentrAlert engineers provided Gibson Station, Duke Energy’s largest power plant, a multi-faceted update to the Crisis-Driven Alert & Control (C-DAC) system CentrAlert installed in 2008. Duke Energy is one of the largest electric power holding companies in the United States. Gibson Station, located in Gibson County, Ind., and built between 1976 and 1982, is a coal-burning power plant. It includes five 650 MW units that produce a capacity of 3,250 MW.

“We’re pleased to partner with Duke-Gibson in this initiative to maintain the safety of their generating station,” Korbet Finley, CentrAlert engineer, said.

Dual Communications for Gibson Station

This routine technology update outfitted Gibson Station with dual communications so that emergency signals transmit via radio and Ethernet to both an indoor speaker system and an outdoor speaker system. With C-DAC’s pre-recorded message capabilities, the 26 indoor speaker systems and three outdoor sirens located throughout the plant receive the same notifications. C-DAC servers with full failover redundancy ensure the system always remains online to deliver crucial messages to plant personnel.

Gibson Station’s alert system also includes EARS (Emergency Alert Radio System), meaning alerts go directly to handheld radios all over the plant, adding safety in noisy or remote environments. Additionally, Text NOW!, transmits emergency alerts as text messages.

Lightning detection equipment interfaces with CentrAlert’s Crisis-Driven Alert & Control, alerting the facility of hazardous work conditions. Lightning detected within a five-mile radius automatically triggers an action in the system. For more information about lightning detection, read about the CentrAlert solution at NASA’s John C. Stennis Space Center.



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